Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Become RCIA Team member,

Sponsor or Prayer Partner!

Whatever your gifts or availability there

is a spot for you on the RCIA Team!


  • Are you a Catholic enthused and excited about your faith?  
  • Are you willing to share your faith and renew it?
  • Are you an open, caring person interested in supporting new people coming to the Catholic faith?
  • Would you be willing to provide hospitality for special times in the RCIA process?
  • Are you ready to deepen your own faith by helping someone grow in their faith?    

All RCIA candidates need a sponsor. Accompanying a person coming entering the Catholic Church faith can be a deeply energizing force for your own Catholic faith.   A sponsor is someone who supports those entering the Catholic Church throughout that process.  Sponsors are encouraged to attend RCIA sessions with the person preparing to enter the Catholic Church as well as the rites involved.   A sponsor must be a fully initiated Catholic in good standing.   Contact the Office to become involved.

Or consider becoming a prayer partner. You will pray for a particular person who is considering entrance into the Catholic Church.  You can also send them a card or an email encouraging them in their journey of faith.  When you see them at church, chat with them, listening and letting them know they will be entering a welcoming Catholic community.