Becoming Catholic
- Have you experienced a desire for greater meaning and purpose in your life... a deeper sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself?
- Thinking of joining the Catholic Church?
- Are you wondering what the Catholic faith is all about? OR Do you know someone who is asking questions?
- Have you been worshiping with us, and now is the time to officially take the step to become Catholic?
- Have you joined us from a different background and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church?
Risen Christ welcomes you to discover the depth and beauty of our Catholic faith - founded 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ and embraced by more than 1.2 billion people across the globe. Every year, men and women embark on an exploration of the Catholic faith. Some are deciding if they are called into the Catholic Church; others have been Catholic all their lives and are now interested in discovering what this really means. Together, we witness to the fact that our search for God is a lifelong journey, a journey on which we make the most progress when we walk it with others and with intention.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a communal process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through a conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons, regardless of religious background or philosophical persuasion, who genuinely seek, by God’s grace, to live their lives in the distinctive Catholic Christian faith.
O.C.I.A. - Adults Contact Deacon Ted & Ludee Vermaas at or 208-362-6584
O.C.I.C - Children or Youth Contact the parish office at or 208-362-6584 x 107