
 Baptism Preparation Checklist


  • Must be a registered parishioner at Risen Christ OR
  • Provide a letter of permission from your current parish to have your child baptized here.
  • Attend a baptism class OR
  • Provide a letter of attendance at a baptism class at another parish.
  • Birth Certificate of the child
  • Baptism Registration Form


  • Must be 16 or older. Two are preferable; must be 1 male and 1 female. If two cannot be found, must have at least 1 godparent.
  • Must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.
  • If married, must be married in the Catholic Church. If not married, cannot be living with anyone as if married.
  • Cannot be the mother or father of the child.
  • Provide a copy of your baptismal certificate with notations (notations show Sacraments received in the church after Baptism - Confirmation, Matrimony, ETC). OR
  • Provide a copy of your Confirmation certificate AND
  • If married in the Church, provide a copy of your marriage certificate.
  • Must be a registered parishioner at Risen Christ OR
  • Provide a letter from the parish where you are registered, stating that you are members of the Catholic Church in good standing.
  • Attend a Baptism class OR
  • Provide a letter of attendance at a baptism class at another parish.

*The Sacrament of Baptism will be offered during a Sunday Mass unless otherwise approved by the pastor.


INFORMATION FOR A BAPTISMAL REGISTER (Not a baptismal certificate)


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